There are plenty of opportunities to play an active role in your safety, and that of our community. 

The Campus Safety team is here to help you. Reach out today to arrange a presentation,  team up with us on a safety initiative, or share a concern. Your involvement is vital in building a community of safety and support.

Dine with Campus Safety

We host five dining events each semester which serve as an opportunity for students to meet the university's team of Campus Safety professionals. This is your chance to provide feedback and play an active role in safety initiatives on campus with a small group of your peers. 

We hope you'll join us!

Student Advisory Board

The purpose of the Campus Safety Student Advisory Board (CSSAB) is to engage student leaders with Campus Safety and increase communication about safety services and safety concerns between UI students and our organization. This board meets quarterly during the academic year. We typically focus on one topic at each meeting, with time for students to ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss other timely safety topics.

If you wish to serve on the advisory board, please contact us for additional information about expectations and qualifications.

Upcoming Events

Student Government | Campus Safety Birdie Distribution

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 2:30pm to 4:30pm
T. Anne Cleary Walkway
Campus Safety has teamed up with Student Government to distribute personal safety alarms to students. Those interested in receiving a personal safety alarm should mark their calendars, and plan to attend an upcoming safety tabling event. Please be prepared to present your student ID.

Campus Safety Student Advisory Board

Friday, April 25, 2025 12:30pm to 1:30pm
University Capitol Centre
The April Campus Safety Student Advisory Board meeting will take place on Friday, April 25 at 12:30 p.m. in the Campus Safety Service Center on the first floor of UCC (University Capitol Centre), in suite 139 next to Student Disability Services.

Event Promotion Policy

Event Promotion Policy

Campus Safety promotes services and programming directly connected to the organization on its website. If Campus Safety is partnering with another organization that is hosting an event, the org will support promotion of the event on the Campus Safety website through the University of Iowa Events Calendar. If the event is not hosted by Campus Safety, its departments or units, or a direct partnership, the event will not be displayed on the events calendar housed on the Campus Safety website.

We evaluate the following criteria when approving events:

  • Events sponsored or hosted by Campus Safety.
  • Event partnerships between units that include Campus Safety.
  • Events sponsored by an affiliated department, unit, or student organization with broad interest for the parent unit.
  • Events not meeting these criteria will be declined.


  • Campus Safety partners with the Office of Sustainability to host a bike registration event – approved.
  • Dining with Campus Safety (internal event) – approved.
  • Student Government hosting an event not partnering with Campus Safety with no safety nexus – denied.