Campus Safety is dedicated to transparency and delivering timely and accurate safety information to students, employees, and the community.

Members of the media should contact our public information officer for all inquiries, including questions related to investigations and other interview requests.

Questions about the university that do not pertain to Campus Safety should be directed to the central media relations team in the Office of Strategic Communication via

For general information regarding resources, photography, and filming requests, see the Office of Strategic Communication Media Resources page.


Hayley Bruce

Hayley Bruce

Chief of Staff and Public Information Officer, Campus Safety

Safety Resources

Learn about the many free safety services available on campus for students, faculty, and staff.

Records Requests

The university has a centralized process for tracking and responding to requests for records.

Emergency Information

Find official updates on the campus emergency website after a Hawk Alert/incident.

Campus Safety information

  • The University of Iowa is among the top public research institutions in the nation—offering a world-class education in more than 200 areas of study to more than 31,000 students. From the most prestigious creative writing program in the United States, to a nationally recognized academic medical center, our balanced excellence in the arts and sciences encourages innovation and exploration across the disciplines.
  • Campus Safety includes the following units: Police Department, Security Services, Emergency Management, Fire Safety, Emergency Communications, Threat Assessment Team, Security Engineering Services, and Office of Clery Compliance.
  • The UI approaches campus safety in a comprehensive and holistic way by providing both law enforcement and non-law enforcement response options for mental health, crisis intervention, and follow-up.
  • Campus Safety provides many services critical to the campus community. For a comprehensive list, review our Safety Resources.
  • Many crime statistics pertaining to campus safety are available in our Annual Safety and Security Report.
  • Additional information can be found on our Crime Log.

Campus Safety News

Media Resources: USA v. Keirans

Friday, January 31, 2025
This is the official media resources page for the USA v. Keirans identity theft case. This page includes press releases, case facts, timelines, and other relevant materials. Please contact the Public Information Officer regarding any media requests.

Ali Younes returns to the United States to face trial for attempted murder

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Following a self-surrender process facilitated by the University of Iowa Police Department and the U.S. Embassy in Jordan, Ali Younes has voluntarily returned to the United States where he will face trial for an incident in which he is accused of robbing and strangling a person in Iowa City in April 2022.

Phone Scam: Impersonating local law enforcement 

Friday, August 2, 2024
The University of Iowa Police Department wants community members to be aware of a phone scam that is currently impacting University of Iowa employees. University employees have reported receiving an unsolicited phone call from a person claiming to be an officer with a local law enforcement agency.