Reporting Options

We all have a role to play in supporting campus safety. If you witness something that is a threat to public safety or an individual, you are strongly encouraged to report it to police as soon as possible so they can address safety issues in our community. If it's an emergency, call 911.

Below are the various options available for making reports.

gold shield with white star in the center

Report a Crime

You are strongly encouraged to report any known or suspected criminal activity or safety concerns to police by calling 911.

Non-emergency line: 319-335-5022

person wearing a gold shirt with the letter i over it in a circle

Report a Problem

The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) is available to answer questions about reporting options if you have a concern related to bias, harassment, discrimination, disability, equal employment opportunity, free speech, or sexual misconduct.

Icon with a white exclamation mark in a gold triangle

Report Threatening Behavior

The Threat Assessment Team relies on those in our community to recognize and report troubling and suspicious behaviors. This is not a 24/7 service. In an emergency, call 911.

hand extended with a heart hovering over the palm

Get Help

The university offers many resources, including confidential advice and medical assistance, to help you through whatever situation you may be experiencing. To learn more, view this comprehensive list.

white pen hovering over a gold piece of paper

Report as a CSA

If you are a Campus Security Authority you have a legal obligation to report all criminal incidents occurring on campus or during UI activities to the Office of Clery Compliance.

yellow and white books

Report to Student Accountability

OSA is dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating students, and facilitating accountability when violations of the Code of Student Life have occurred.

Campus Safety Concern

Have a general concern about campus safety?
Let us know how we can help.