Adopt a Weekend

Campus Safety is partnering with student organizations interested in supporting the Nite Ride service by allowing them to “adopt a weekend” to drive for the service and earn money for their student organization.

All student drivers for this program must have a valid driver’s license and be cleared to drive through UI Fleet Services safety standards. Students also will receive operational and safety training before their shift.

Adopt-a-weekend shifts are available throughout the academic year during peak weekend hours from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.


  • All volunteers must be UI students with a valid driver's license who meet UI Fleet Safety standards. 
  • Volunteer hours are available during peak, high-demand evenings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Your organization will earn $20 per hour per driver. 
  • The Nite Ride service is operated by Campus Safety. All volunteers will need to provide their name and driver's license 7 days prior to their shift so their driving eligibility can be verified.
  • Operational and safety training will be provided prior to your shift. You are welcome to bring an assistant.

Adopt a Weekend

For additional information, or to sign up for a weekend, contact Dave Visin (


  • Must have a valid driver's license and meet UI Fleet Safety standards
  • Must provide name and driver's license 7 days prior to event so status can be verified
  • Drivers are allowed one passenger/assistant with them to assist with navigation and operating the Nite Ride app

Participating student organizations will be paid $20 per hour per driver, which could total approximately $2,500 for three nights of work (with five drivers).

All approved drivers (and their assistant) are required to arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before their shift for an operational and safety briefing. Participants in this program will drive a mini van or pick-up truck vehicle from the Nite Ride fleet.

This volunteer opportunity is available during peak weekend hours, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Staffing may be reduced after 3 a.m. to adjust for waning demand; volunteers will be "paid" for the duration of their shift.

Safety for riders and drivers is our number one priority. All volunteers need to meet UI Fleet Safety standards. In-car video systems are activated when the car is occupied by riders, and vehicles are monitored for speed, location, and impacts.

We are offering this opportunity to help decrease wait times.

Nite Ride is currently unable to operate at maximum capacity during high demand hours due to ongoing staffing shortages.