Breadcrumb Home Public Incident Reporting form Error There was a problem saving this information. Please try again. If this continues, please contact support. Thank You! Your report has been submitted to the Office of Clery Compliance. Please keep in mind this is NOT a police report. To file a report with law enforcement for follow-up and investigation, please call 319-335-5022. In an emergency, call 911. Welcome to the University’s public incident reporting system. If you need to report an emergency or incident currently in progress, STOP and immediately call the police at 911 or University Police at 319-335-5022 Person reporting incident I want to remain anonymous I’m willing to provide my name I am a Select...Community MemberFacultyParentOtherStaffStudent First Name Last Name Email Phone I am a Select...Community MemberFacultyParentOtherStaffStudent If needed, may we contact you to obtain additional information or details regarding this incident? Yes No Who did the incident involve? When did the incident occur? (Exact Date/Time or Range Start) Date Time Range End (Optional) Date Time Where did the incident happen? What was the location of the incident. Include as much information as possible (address, building, room #, etc.)? What happened? What are the details of the incident you are reporting? How did you learn about this incident? Supporting Documents Select Files Allowed types: pdf, docx, xlsx. Max size for a file that is being uploaded: 1024KB. The name of the file should not exceed 80 characters.