Assessment, prevention, and safety planning
The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) supports campus safety by assessing, monitoring, and providing support for people exhibiting unusual distress, fixated grievances, or troubling behaviors.
This multi-disciplinary team includes people with backgrounds in human resources, student life, health care, and law enforcement. Their varied perspectives allow them to identify and monitor potential safety threats and intervene with supportive campus resources to maintain campus safety.
TAT was established by a charge from the Board of Regents, State of Iowa to facilitate the early identification and intervention of individuals who may pose a threat to themselves or others.
139 University Capitol Centre
200 S. Capitol St.
Iowa City, IA 52242
Report a Concern
We rely on those in our community to recognize and report troubling and suspicious behaviors. You have the option to submit anonymously.

Crisis Situations
The Threat Assessment Team does not provide on-call therapeutic intervention or crisis management services.
988 offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal thoughts, substance use, a mental health crisis or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
If you see or experience any troubling or suspicious behavior, contact the Threat Assessment Team. We rely on those in our community to recognize and report troubling behaviors. Trust your instincts. If you have an encounter with someone that leaves you in fear for your personal safety or that of others, it should be taken seriously.
The team strives to respond within 24 hours of receiving a report, but TAT is not a 24/7 service.
If you feel you or someone you know is in imminent danger or experiencing a mental health emergency, call 911.
Frequently Asked Questions
Threatening Behavior
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Threatening or harassing phone calls, emails, or social media
- Bizarre or delusional statements or communications, especially if they include violent content or intentions
- Recent acquisition of weapons or increased practice in a troubled context
- Verbal, written, or communicated threats, especially if specific plans to harm or kill others are expressed
- Intense hopelessness or a sense of desperation over one's circumstances
We collaborate with community members to gather reports of concerning behavior. Once we receive a report, we carefully and discreetly investigate, process the concern, and provide the necessary resources and support.
We will:
- Assess the situation
- Share assessment findings with campus stakeholders
- Develop a safety plan for impacted individuals
- Assist and collaborate with campus stakeholders to mitigate concerning behaviors
- Repeat these steps until the situation is resolved or behavior is de-escalated
Campus Threat Awareness Roundtable
The Office of Campus Safety manages a multi-disciplinary threat assessment work group that meets regularly to discuss high risk situations.
TAT is not a confidential resource; however, we carefully and discreetly investigate and share information with those who have a need to know as it relates to the safety of our campus.
News and Updates
UI Threat Assessment Team leads with compassion
Campus Feedback
"The Threat Assessment Program is vital to making sure we keep our employees safe and feeling secure in coming to work. The team not only is there as consult but even came to our site to be part of the solutions needed to make a very difficult situation result in the best outcomes possible. They bring a level of expertise that is truly amazing to have and I am forever grateful that the University is willing to ensure that we have this successful and welcoming approach to safety on our campus. "
"I work as a healthcare provider and was being harassed by a patient. The team was able to identify this as a valid complaint, assisted me in providing solutions and safety plans, explain additional steps and resources available and also followed up with how I was feeling afterwards."
"We had a situation where an admitted student was being threatened online via a university social media channel. The student was not yet on campus yet but the threat assessment team didn't hesitate to provide support. Very quickly the team contacted me, made a report, determined an action, and connected with the student to share resources. Knowing that they are there when issues arise gives me great peace of mind. It is such an invaluable service for the safety of our students!"