Monday, December 4, 2023

Campus Safety is rolling out several  updates to its Nite Ride service in an effort to decrease wait times and expand safety services on campus.

Increased Staffing

Nite Ride – which is operated by the Security Services unit – has long been operated almost entirely by student security officers. Campus Safety has hired a full-time security officer to supplement these services and operate the Nite Ride bus, which carries up to 13 passengers at a time. This dedicated position will help reduce wait times by providing more consistent staffing during peak hours.

The position was made possible by funding from the Division of Student Life Athletics Alcohol fund (proceeds from alcohol sales at athletic events) and is one of the UI Harm Reduction Plan and Reimagining Campus Safety implementation strategies.

Partnership with Student Organizations

Campus Safety is also partnering with student organizations interested in supporting the program by allowing them to “adopt a weekend” to drive for the service and earn money for their student organization. All student volunteers for this program must have a valid driver’s license and be cleared to drive through UI Fleet Services safety standards. Student volunteers also will receive operational and safety training before their shift. Volunteer shifts available throughout the academic year during peak weekend hours from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

This program operated on a pilot basis last academic year with great success. To learn more, visit:

Take Nite Ride to the GuideLink Center

Campus Safety recently updated the Nite Ride boundary map and mobile application so students, faculty, and staff can take Nite Ride to the GuideLink Center, which provides immediate care for adults facing emotional, mental health, or substance use challenges. Those who want to use Nite Ride to get to this location will be required to be accompanied by a friend or family member to provide extra support. Nite Ride will provide return transportation for the support person. 

To learn more about the Nite Ride service, see: